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Terminations Of  Pregnancies

Safe and effective
Women's Choice
Abortion is your choice!! It`s not for your family, Husband all any
one it`s your choice to keep the baby or not according to your situation.
Do not allow to have  a baby when you are not ready.
Its your choice to have or not have the child 
Am hear to make sure you get what  your heart desires.
Your happiness is my satisfaction
The prices are Negotiable just fill the form or give me a call.

Medical Abortion is a  Safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy by using Medicine. You must be at least 18 years of age to receive a Medical Abortion.
You’ll meet with the Doctor and then take the first pill (CYTOTEC) in the office. Within 2-3 hours you will use the second pills(CYTOTEC) at home. The combination will cause miscarriage and in most cases end the Pregnancy within a few hours of using the second Medicine At Home

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